The Best Things in Life are Free, Including Management Literature!
True, there is a lot of rubbish on the internet, but for those who are good at using search-strings on Google heaven awaits. As you may have guessed I found the Handy Guide by Googling my way through the information clutter. I found it on the site of BBC World Service under the sub-section ‘Learning English’ (Huh?!).
Charles Handy – a management guru himself – guides you through the lives and works of his choice of management gurus. I could not have imagined a better introduction to management. And as the text is being used in an online course of business English you will find short sentences and clear language (in management literature this is sometimes rare).

- Charles Handy
- Peter Drucker
- Tom Peters
- Warren Bennis
- Sumantra Ghoshal
- Kenichi Ohmae
- Gary Hamel
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- Bill Gates
- Ricardo Semler
- Michael Porter
- Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden Turner