In this week’s article I’d like to address evidence of McKinsey to prove the point I made in one of my latest posts on HR (As you know: if a tiny consultant from Belgium tells you so, you can forget about it. But when ‘the’ McKinsey proves his point with worldwide survey results, well…) The chart below uncovers the declining influence of the human-resources function. According to McKinsey, only HR can translate a company’s business strategy into a detailed talent strategy. As they continue: “HR professionals should assert their influence and provide credible and proactive business counsel and support for individual business units.” Well said McKinsey, and thanks for supporting my point! (Click on the chart to enlarge) The bottom line of this chart is that HR has a major problem with regards to managing the expectations of both the business and themselves. Mind you: ‘Talent Management’ is just the new word for anything that was previously known as ‘competence management’. Same thing – different package. However, changing the name will not improve the conditions for HR. The so-called ‘talent management’ is nothing more than ‘step 2’ of the approach that I presented earlier on. And regular readers of this blog know that it is now time for HR to cut the crap and start to be serious about their own processes before ‘talent management’ can become a reality. Just my humble opinion of course – a bit more convincing this time thanks to McKinsey 🙂
Source: The McKinsey Quarterly Chart Focus Newsletter, August 2008