
Is It True?

It is funny how we see resistance in other people but we are completely blind to our own. That is because we don’t respond to events as they occur, but to our interpretations of them. One simple question can get us back on track; but it’s a dangerous one: ‘is it true?’.

Free e-book: The 5 Things You Need To Know About Resistance

With this e-book I offer an alternative to the way we have been taught to treat resistance.

Newspapers are Solving the Wrong Problem

We are all quite good at creating and sustaining comfort-zones, because this is what makes life predictable. But when we do that at as a group or an organization, disasters can happen. Newspapers are next on this list.

Creativity as a Resistance Buster

The way I approach resistance is influenced by the way I look at organizational change management. I see resistance as a crucial ingredient that is needed to make a change happen. Resistance fuels change. Without it, there is no change.

Resistance Yourself!

Coming to terms with the very ‘resistance’ I have been studying and writing about for the last few years: it is all about the same thing. It is all about me, myself and I. And that’s bad news for my ego.

Horror, the Ultimate Learning

Buzzard attacks are rare, but when they occur on the scalp of an organizational change practitioner it leaves a scar. Five seconds of horror and two lessons for life: Respect and Experience.

Elephants! Everywhere I look!

Forget the cheese and the mice, organizational change management just entered a new era: that of elephants and riders. The Heath brothers published a ground-breaking book on our core business.

Meet my Dad

What is the value of feedback when I can’t frame it, understand it or act upon it? Will I be labeled ‘resistant’ if I ask to reframe it over and over again? Feedback – yes but… feedback that is not actionable and measurable in my world will not empower me.

Barefoot Ted: A Change Agent Like No Other

Every year, thousands of runners are injured due to leg and foot pain. In response, athletic-shoe companies have invested fortunes into high-tech cushioning, arch support, and shock absorbers. But despite these efforts, as many as six out of 10 runners get injured every year.

You are the problem AND the solution

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.