Edgar Schein (1928), a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, has made a notable mark on the field of organizational development in many areas, including career development, group process consultation, and organizational culture.
Edgar Schein

Commitment and Social Architecture
There are four types of commitment and they learn us about two ways to restore community.
Ed Schein on the Essence of Process consultation
How do we get from Expertise to Process Consultation to Helping and finally to Humble Inquiry?
Unraveling Social Interaction (part 7)
Taking care of the relationship is too simple to be true, because the tools at your disposal are as straightforward as a Swiss Armyknife.
Unraveling Social Interaction (Part 3)
The resonance of the culture we grew up in causes the roles and the rules of a situation to be altered like a magnetic field. This is why we need formality.
Unraveling Social Interaction (Part 2)
What exactly is being exchanged in order to maintain or regain the balance in a relationship? And what is it exactly that needs to be balanced?
Unraveling Social Interaction (Part 1)
In a first attempt to unravel social interaction I am using the metaphors of Social Theatre and Social Economics as described by Edgar Shein.
Diagnostic Interventions
We need to recognize that no matter how neutral and innocent the questions may be, they will influence the thinking of the people in the organization
Gamers Will Save Our Economy (Part 5)
It’s not a joke: painting a bull’s-eye on your deliverables is your first job if want to succeed with people who don’t report to you.
Love & Work (Part 1) – Free To Work
The world of work is changing rapidly and it is difficult to make sense of it all. In search for a subject-matter-expert we bumped into Jan Denys. His latest book offers us more than one perspective on the status of work. A great starting point for this series on Love & Work.
Book Review: Helping – How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help
An ultimate guide to anyone who is involved in a helping relationship, which is … well … everyone who has ever had contact with anyone else.