Based in Rockville, Maryland, clients call on him to help them solve tough problems, build internal capacity, and amplify leadership. He started his career in the international conflict resolution field and moved into working with organizations, working extensively with trade associations and professional societies. A blogger since 2005, he loves to write. Jamie has dozens of published articles to go along with a 2007 e-book (Generational Diversity in the Workplace), a 2006 paperback (We Have Always Done it That Way: 101 Things About Associations We Must Change), and the 2011 hardcover, Humanize: How People-Centric Organizations Succeed in a Social World (affiliate link).
Jamie Notter

What Social Media Means for Leadership
Guest blogger Jamie Notter on the real value of social media for our organizations: radically transforming leadership!
Practitioners and Social Media
Short report of last week’s organizational change practitioners meeting took place in San Francisco. The topic was social media and change management.