Malcolm Gladwell (born September 3, 1963) is a Canadian writer for The New Yorker and best-selling author based in New York City. He has been a staff writer for The New Yorker since 1996. He is best known for his books The Tipping Point (2000), Blink (2005), Outliers (2008), and What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures (2009).
Malcolm Gladwell

Legitimacy leads to Accountability
Legitimate authority is a necessary precondition for accountability to occur within the target audience.
That’s your responsibility as a person, as a human being — to constantly be updating your positions on as many things as possible. And if you don’t contradict yourself on a regular basis, then you’re not thinking.
Unraveling Social Interaction (Part 4)
Who could have known that in order to find out the influence of national culture on human interaction one needs to investigate the cockpit transcripts of plane crashes?
The World Belongs to the Tweakers, Not the Inventors
When Steve Jobs told us to ‘Stay hungry, stay foolish’, did he mention to be late and steal from time to time?
Small Change: Gladwell social activism
This is great article from the New Yorker. Here are 7 excerpts that I copied as a summary of the main ideas for myself.
Why 70% of Changes Fail
Did you know 70% of all changes attempted in organizations fail? This failure rate has been consistent for decades. How can you avoid being part of this dreadful statistic? This article identifies four major areas you can focus on.
Welcome to my Bell-Shaped World
Take a seat on the other side of my eyeballs. You will discover that I look at the world through a pair of bell-curve-shaped lenses. I keep tinkering until they make sense. So there you go: Ten Tinkered Bells!
Mindset, Membership and the Matthew Effect
I have grown up with the firm belief that in order to achieve something in life you need to have a degree. Although I resent that statement with all of my heart I have come to a point that I no longer can deny it.
Book Review: Outliers: The Story of Success
In Outliers: The Story of Success Gladwell offers a remarkable perspective on success.
The Chameleon Law
In the 1944 unfinished novel Mount Analogue, René Daumal describes the travel of a company of eight, who set sail in the yacht Impossible to search for Mount Analogue, a solid, a geographical place that “cannot not exist.”